Kevin and I have been reexamining our holiday traditions for a few years now, especially since having the boys. In the past, we didn’t expect them to sit and eat with us during meals, as it wasn’t developmentally appropriate. As a result, we didn’t think much about diverging from the way we had always celebrated holidays.
However, as time went on, we decided to adapt our approach to accommodate our family’s needs. We realized that we don’t always have to do things the way they have always been done simply because that’s how it’s always been. Our two little ones need the freedom to move and wiggle to feel regulated, making a sit-down dinner feel like swimming upstream. This led Kevin and me to ask ourselves, “How do we make holidays more accessible for everyone in our home?” We came up with the idea of “appetizers-giving.” Although this concept has been a topic of conversation among my cousins and me for years—often after feeling too full and jokingly saying, “You know, I feel like appetizers are enough for today!”—this year we finally brought the idea to fruition. I can honestly say (speaking for myself) that it was my favorite holiday as an adult. There was no set timeline, no large dishes to clean, and everything was so easy to set up and serve. The boys received all the attention they wanted and played with everyone. I can’t wait to make this our new tradition and discover new ways to include appetizers in the years to come. We are incredibly grateful to the grandparents who wholeheartedly embraced our idea. It was wonderful to see how it allowed the boys to connect and play without the added stress of dishes or being tied to the table. We love you all and are so happy that Grammy and Grandpa traveled to us and spent time with us leading up to the holiday. Always grateful that we can get lunch and catch up while the boys are in therapy or school. It was delightful to hear Julian say “hi” every time you came over and to hear him say your names. Thank you, Nonna, for the focaccia and food, as well as being Julian’s rocking chair, and thank you, Papa, for the perfect pumpkin pie appetizer desserts. You all made this holiday the best one yet! I can’t wait until next year to witness everyone’s growth and enjoy the same relaxed atmosphere we had this year.
Ava Elise
November 2024
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