"[this] bright, beautiful blue moon in Aquarius offers brilliant opportunities for a wealth of unique breakthroughs.." I plan to use this energy ending in July to propel myself through August. So many things to look forward to! So many things that I know will bring me joy--
The beautiful Loretta Turner. She helped me out with creating a sequence of Surya Namaskara. I took the images with film because the lake and her skin looked more painterly with the colors on fijifilm. Digital was too harsh; I wanted to capture the softness. Let's do this again, somewhere new? Maybe somewhere green? :) Jimmy and Dani are two of the most beautiful souls I know. They are so kind, gentle and loving. They have two beautiful sons who love each other and their parents so much--because love is the main things they are shown and taught. Dani and Jimmy are both wonderful photographers, and they inspire me daily. Young Love Media is their third baby, their amazing photogprahy business. I am honored to know you both and I hope that my readers/viewers [if I have any] enjoy their photogprahy as well! Follow them on Instagram @missverse & @jimmyaceino ✌🏻️ [all images belong to Jimmy and Danielle Aceino] I've gone through many haircuts. 27 different styles to be precise. This isn't necessarily my favorite, but I love that color. Fall iiiiss coming up 😁✌🏻️ The beginning of the summer I started a new job in the city. New start, new city, new career. It is not the path that I thought I would be walking on, but it has been challenging as well as rewarding. I feel like a student learning new things within this new environment I've become a part of--it has been scary but I know deep in my heart that it will make me a better person, and photographer.
These are my attempts to capture the beauty that I've seen in the city this summer. I hope you enjoy them~ I had the pleasure of spending a couple [literally] of nights with my dear friend. It was something I needed; maybe something we both needed. I feel inspired by her--ready and willing to push through my doubts. I never can remember everything we discuss because we cover so much, but I feel better when we part. I feel as if I got a little more insight, some clarity. Thank you Jac for being there for me, thank you for the wine, the music, the company & the comfort. ❤️ I love the decision to make something black & white instead of leaving it in the color we see. With digital photogprahy it's more of a decision after the act of capturing the image; with film ( especially if you're shooting with black & white film ) the entire act of capturing is conscious--the photogpraher needs to be mindful of what makes a successful black & white composition. I like the idea of being mindful, especially since I haven't had the chance to be mindful in the ways I have been used to. If I can't have my yoga practice on my mat I want to have that similar experience in other aspects of my life. And what a better way then with my other passion in life? I've been contemplating getting film from CVS OR Walgreens just to get myself back into the artistic groove. I think I might stop by later today ☺️ [some captured with my phone, some captured with my Nikon; with black & white it's about finding the elements and principles that all come together to make a photogprah, a composition, interesting] The light coming in from my window reminded me of the light that came through it in 2011. It's been 4 years since I've seen the same light. I needed to try to capture it again.
Ava Elise
November 2024
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